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Aleksei Mikhailovich Chenykhaev

Алексей Михайлович  Ченыхаев
ок. 1771 – 1842

A nobleman, he came from a Tatar family which converted to Orthodoxy. As a child he was sent to the Land Noble Cadet Corps (1779), and from there he joined the army with the rank of Lieutenant (1793). In 1796 he retired with the rank of captain and joined the theater management, where he worked until 1819. He published “Zhizn’ i voennye deianiia <...> Suvorova-Rymnikskogo” ("Life and military actions <...> of Suvorov-Rymniksky") (1800) - an extract from the work by Johann Friedrich Anthing.


Translations and lists

Author and Title
The type and location
Иоганн Фридрих Антинг
Жизнь и военныя деяния генералиссимуса, князя Италийскаго, графа Александра Васильевича Суворова-Рымникскаго
Алексей Михайлович Ченыхаев