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Ivan Ivanovich Dmitrevskii

Иван Иванович  Дмитревский
1754 – между 1822 и 1828

Son of an archpriest, he studied at Ryazan Theological Seminary. For two semesters he attended a theology course at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. In 1778 he was appointed teacher of Greek and Hebrew, and later rhetoric and philosophy in Ryazan Theological Seminary. In 1788 he was appointed translator for the Synod. In 1780 he translated from Greek the “Epistle to the Corinthians”, attributed to Pope Clement I. In 1780 he asked Ekaterina Dashkova to publish his translation of three "speeches" of Isocrates of Athens together with the Greek original, so that it could serve as teaching material. He enclosed with the translation a compilation (?) "Brief Outline of the Life of Isocrates" (“Kratkoe nachertanie zhizni Isokrata”); in the commentary he relied on the "Discourses" of the 16th century philologist Hieronymus Wolf.


Translations and lists

Author and Title
The type and location
Исократа афинейскаго оратора и философа Политическия речи о должностях как всякаго человека, в рассуждении приватнаго и гражданскаго состояния; так и царствующих особ о благополучном управлении государства: и что монархический образ правления, из всех других политических состояний народов есть превосходнейший, и к блаженству рода человеческаго наиспособнейший
Иван Иванович Дмитревский
Saint Petersburg